Cold Winter Nights

“Workin on my hands 2 be da Pitchers Best Friend”

It’s a balmy 34 degrees here in south-west Ohio. I like most people am suffering from a chronic case of cabin fever and unlike the Bieber, a side swooping haircut and a catchy song are not the cure. I need some freeking baseball!

Yeah, yeah…Carmelo got traded to the Knicks. Yes, The Lakers and Heat are primed for a deep playoff run. The NFL is threatening to give us less games…even though they really want to give us more. I say to you…who cares! Its  now officially baseball season. Pitchers and catchers have already had time to be reacquainted. Team photos have been taken. Brandon Phillips has fired up his twitter account(@DatDudeBP). Now it’s time to get out there and shag some balls. I now utter the two most exciting words to any male frustrated by the long confines of winter…. Spring Training.

After an almost 5 month hiatus , The Redleg Junkie returns. It’s been a long winter. I’ve finally had time to digest that Game 1 NLDS no-hitter tossed by ‘Doc’ Halladay. And the return of Spring Training only brings hope to us all. That special kind of hope that whispers,  ‘this is our season’. A lot has happened while we were enjoying that fireside hot chocolate. The Reds have resigned Arroyo, Bruce, Burton, Cueto, Volquez, and that Votto guy. Just yesterday it was announced that Volquez will dawn the mound as our opening day ace. And somewhere in between, I finally bribed my fantasy league commissioner to convert to an auction style draft. (Thank you little baby jesus!)

So dust of that score book, oil up the glove. The Redleg Junkie is back and so is baseball. I’m no statistician. I don’t have a locker room press pass. And I sure as hell can’t spell or even begin to put words in any sort of grammatical order, but none of that matters. I write what I think, when i think it. I typically write about things related to baseball, the Cincinnati Reds, random crap (literally) and on occasion will slip in a cheap shot at that team up north.

Reds      91-7
Tribe      69-93    ….and still waiting on that Adam Dunn homer to land.

Until next time. Go Redlegs!

About The Redleg Junkie

I'm no statistician. I don't have a locker room press pass. And I sure as hell can't spell or even begin to put words in any sort of grammatical order, but none of that matters. I write what I think, when i think it. I typically write about things related to baseball, the Cincinnati Reds, random crap (literally) and on occasion will slip in a cheap shot at that team up north. Dust of that score book, oil up the glove. The Redleg Junkie is back.

Posted on February 23, 2011, in Baseball. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. >Oh a bribe huh. Whenever you can get around to telling me what you'll give me, I'd appreciate it.

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